There are many advantages to joining the Endurance Doors Installer Network. You’ll get access to a wide range of composite door products and accessories, not to mention our full support and advice. It allows you to deliver the best possible composite door service to your customers and take your business to the next level. 

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide the best advice, we like to keep all of our partners and collaborators informed of the latest trends. Like all things in life, composite door designs go through phases and different things go in and out of fashion. One trend we’ve noticed recently is an increasing interest in stained glass windows. Let’s explore this further.

Composite Doors With Stained Glass Windows

Stained glass, or ‘coloured glass’ as it’s sometimes called, is just one of our available glazing styles but is arguably the most distinct. Adding a splash of colour to a front door window is a good way to leave a lasting impression and while it’s not for everyone, we’ve noticed more of our customers asking about it in the last six months. 

Coloured glass windows have been comparatively obscure for the past few years and were generally associated with vintage, seventies-style home decoration. But with designers constantly looking to the past for inspiration, it was only a matter of time before they made a comeback. If you have customers who won’t settle for non-coloured glass and are looking for something more vibrant, we have several options available. 

For example, the rich red of our Opus glazing is unforgettable. It’s a deep, bold colour that always catches the eye and gives doors a hint of confidence and sophistication. At the more subdued end of the spectrum, we also have our Elizabeth glass. This one has a comparatively small coloured section, but it is an elegant choice with just a touch of the traditional.

Stained Glass Through The Ages

It’s also worth noting that stained glass windows don’t just add colour to the front of a house, they bring it inside too. When the sun hits coloured glass, it bathes the house in warmth, light and colour and can make rooms feel bright and welcoming. This can do wonders for both the atmosphere and the mental health of the occupants. When you’re surrounded by light and colour, it’s easier to feel optimistic. 

This is probably why stained glass has remained popular throughout history. The earliest known references to this type of glazing pre-date the Norman conquest of England and it was widely used in religious buildings throughout the Middle Ages. Churches and monasteries had elaborate and colourful stained glass windows that depicted the lives of Saints. They helped worshippers to relate to the Biblical figures their priests talked about and in some respects, these windows helped spread the influence of Christianity throughout Europe. 

Thanks to improved technology and reduced costs, stained glass windows are no longer limited to Churches. Walk down any residential road in the UK and you’re likely to see them, and they’re becoming more widespread with every passing year. 

If your customers ask about stained glass windows for their new composite doors, rest assured we can help. Contact us and we’ll happily discuss all the available options and how they can enhance your next project. And of course, if you haven’t yet registered as an installer, we’d love it if you would join us. We’re always looking for new additions to our network, so don’t delay, get in touch today.