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Colours Collection


You can probably tell that we love composite doors here at Endurance, we built our entire company around them after all. They’re a stylish and thermally efficient way to give a home a fresh new look, and we’ve installed hundreds of them since we first went into business. If you want the best front doors on the market, you’ve come to the right place.


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But have you ever wondered where composite doors came from? It can seem like they’ve been around forever, but in truth, they’re a relatively recent invention. Let’s take a short trip through history and examine the origins of composite doors.

Laura Project - White Doors

The Invention Of Composite Doors

For centuries, wooden doors have been the default way to enter and leave a house. It’s a widespread and reliable material which is still widely used today, but it does have a few drawbacks. For instance, it is prone to warping and can degrade over time. Despite its popularity though, it faced fresh competition in the mid-90s when the first composite doors appeared on the UK market.

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They were advertised as lightweight alternatives to regular wooden doors and quickly became a hit with the public. Their toughness, durability and superior thermal performance all contributed, but we can’t overlook how important the colour choices were. Before the rise of composite doors, front doors were typically only available in white, light oak and mahogany. If you wanted something else, you’d have to repaint your own door, but composite doors changed that. Homeowners could buy red, green, or black front doors along with the standard colours and soon, the choices diversified even further. 

Nowadays, it’s possible to get composite doors in a wide range of stylish colours. We take this for granted nowadays, but in 1996, buying a rich red door was unthinkable. That extra choice played a key part in making composite doors a must and led to them spreading throughout the UK and beyond.

Design Your Door Image


Our HomeView Door Designer offers a simple to follow step by step process, enabling you to construct your ideal composite door and see how it looks on your home.

Laura's Project - Project Details

Modern Composite Doors

The manufacturing techniques used to create composite doors have remained roughly similar since then, but they have been tweaked and refined. They’re built around a solid timber core and consist of seventeen cross-laminated layers. This makes them far better at retaining heat than old-fashioned wooden doors and also means they’re strong enough to withstand direct hits from sledgehammers. 


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It is still possible to buy timber doors and we’ll admit, they do have a certain rustic charm. However, in terms of performance and security, they’re outclassed by composite doors. And given that they can be customised to replicate the look and feel of wood, composite doors will always come out on top. There is one other alternative in UPVC doors, but again, we’re confident that composite doors will outperform them every time. 

Green Style

Design Your Composite Door

If this quick trip into the past has got you thinking about your own composite door project, why not contact us? You can reach us at sales@endurancedoors.co.uk or by calling 01652 340 340. Get in touch today and let’s see what we can create together.

Design Your Door Image


Our HomeView Door Designer offers a simple to follow step by step process, enabling you to construct your ideal composite door and see how it looks on your home.