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Sustainability page banner image of forest


Confronting climate change can’t wait any longer, and neither can we.

It is imperative for the continued growth and long-term success of our business and our planet that we do something, now. We pledge to work alongside our suppliers, industry partners, governmental organisations, and consumers, to reduce our environmental impact.

Small Forest Plant

did you know?

  • Endurance use 100% traceable wood from northern forests. Each tree felled for our production is replaced with 4 seedlings.
  • Our Kerto Core composite doors act as 'Carbon Sinks', storing approximately 1 tonne of CO² in every 1m³
  • The production of our Kerto LVL solid core from the forest floor to the mill is Carbon Negative
  • 0% of Endurance production waste is sent to landfill.


Carbon Neutral Britain is one of the UK’s leading Carbon Offsetting Initiatives – helping British Individuals and Businesses make an impact on Climate Change. As a corporate supporter of Carbon Neutral Britain, we make every effort to offset our carbon emissions to maintain our Carbon Neutral status, here are some of the CNB Projects we support:

Andes Mountains Hydro Power Station image

Andes Mountains Hydro Power - Chile

Located in the Tinguiririca River upper valley, this Hydroelectric project is around 120km south of Santiago, Chile. Known as La Confluencia, the 163 MW run of river hydro power plant utilizes the hydrological resources of the Tinguiririca, Portillo and Azufre Rivers, in a run of river scheme to generate and supply zero emission energy to the Chilean central electricity grid (SIC). The power plant generates certified emission reductions (CERs) by displacing electricity generation from grid connected fossil fuel-fired power plants that would otherwise be generating electricity
Salkhit Wind Farm – Mongolia image

Salkhit Wind Farm – Mongolia

The Salkhit Wind Farm is the first grid-connected wind farm in Mongolia. The project generates renewable electricity using wind power resources and supplies it to the Mongolian central electricity system grid to meet the growing electricity demand.
Energy Efficient Lighting - India image

Energy Efficient Lighting - India

'This project was developed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) to promote energy-efficient lighting in India, thus reducing the electricity, and therefore carbon emissions generated from the grid. When established, around 76% of India’s electricity was generated from coal – and so by reducing energy consumption and efficiency, over 35,000 tonnes of CO2e are offset each year'


At Endurance, we appreciate that every step in a manufacturing process can have an environmental impact. That is why we have developed a core of strong environmental values that we and our workforce strive to maintain. From manufacture through to nationwide distribution, we have considered long-term strategies to minimise our carbon output.


All of the timber used in our doors is harvested from Finnish forests which are managed to meet the social, economic and ecological needs of past and future generations. For every tree we fell for production, 4 additional seedlings are planted in their place.





Sustainability is a driving force within the REHAU Group strategy, which has been integrated into their day-to-day operations. Having developed a circular economy model approach for their environmental and occupational safety. REHAU use raw materials sparingly and efficiently whilst also using recycled materials, with the proportion of recycled materials in REHAU products being around 50% higher than the global average.

“Acting sustainably is more than just a trendy thing to talk about. It’s the fundamental belief of our company and the way we ensure that our actions today will serve our planet well for many years to come”.

Metsa’s LVL Kerto sits at the core of an Endurance door, not only providing the strength and security associated with a 45mm thick timber slab, but the carbon dioxide that is held within forests and stored in the products made from renewable wood acts as a carbon sink.

“Everything we do involves sustainability – from the forest all the way to the products. Our main raw material is renewable wood from sustainably managed northern forests. We use every part of the tree as efficiently as possible. The majority of our products can replace the use of fossil resources and help us move towards a climate-neutral future.”

B&B have been a sustainable, carbon balanced print company for over 10 years. Paper is biodegradable, recyclable and made from an infinitely renewable raw material. Everything we source, printed by B&B Press is accredited with the World Land Trust’s Carbon Balanced Print logo. Communicating both Endurance and B&B’s commitment to reduce your carbon impact.

“Paper is now regarded as one of the world’s great sustainable products. It’s biodegradable, recyclable and made from a renewable raw material.”

From our moisture barrier system to our rain deflectors, Rocal Extrusions are a key contributor to our Endurance Door slabs. With the capacity to produce our extruded components from recycled uPVC and our moisture barrier system leads the industry in the development of a versatile, durable and eco-friendly synthetic timber.

“Our mission is to engage efficiently and responsibly in all areas and to participate in the development of new products to meet evolving customer needs. Rocal seeks to ensure we produce and deliver to our customers in an environmentally and socially responsible way.”


In 2022, we invested £300,000 into installing 500 solar panels on the roof of our factory in Brigg, North Lincolnshire.

Our new solar panels build on an existing focus at Endurance Doors of only using electricity generated from renewable sources, rather than fossil fuels, throughout our production processes.

Solar Panels - Endurance Doors


As we aim to be a completely carbon neutral business by 2030, we are focusing on installing new methods of improving our sustainability.

In the near future, we plan to provide Electric Powered Vehicles to our nationwide Business Development Managers and Service Engineers, while also transitioning our North Lincolnshire production facilities to a single use plastic free facility.

Rocal - Endurance Doors