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Composite Door Maintenance

Although inherently low maintenance in their design, our composite doors will require a little TLC over their long lifespan to ensure they are always offering you the very best standards of performance and appearance. It ensures they will be a worthwhile investment for your home. For more information, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to clean composite doors. You can also download our Care Guide

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To help you with your composite door maintenance, we have put together a simple and accessible guide. If you still have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with a member of our team who will be more than happy to help.

When Looking After Your Door

Every Month

Wipe down the door with a damp, lint-free cloth using only mild warm soapy water.

To keep your furniture sparkling, we recommend wiping it with a clean cloth soaked in warm water and mild detergent every month. Moving parts should be lightly lubricated twice a year.

Every 6 Months


Open the door and place an old sheet underneath it. Lubricate all of the moving parts with silicone spray, apart from the locking cylinder.

To maintain the smooth operation of your locking cylinder, lubricate your cylinder using graphite powder. Dust your key with graphite powder and move it back and forth in the cylinder 10-15 times to fully lubicate.

Maintenance Video Guide

Take a look at our handy maintenance video guide, which explains some of the most important tips for keeping your new Endurance Door looking its best from installation to many years to come!

Discover ‘key’ ways to keep your locking cylinder performing at its best, just like the style of your new composite door. Ensure smooth operation, reliable performance and total peace of mind with well maintained security.

What Should I Consider?

Cleaning Your Door

To keep your composite door looking fresh, all you will need to do is give it a light clean with mild, soapy water. If you find yourself facing tough stains, it is important to note that you should never use an abrasive cleaner. This includes PVC cleaner, as you can remove any stubborn stains by using a non-abrasive cleaner. Further to this, ensure drainage holes are clear on a yearly basis.

guide to cleaning composite doors
composite door abs master cylinder

Using Your Door Properly

To avoid any damage to the door panel, it’s important that you close the door properly. This includes ‘throwing the handle’ when the door is closed, which engages the top and bottom hooks for increased security and support. If you do not throw the handle you will leave the door solely on the latch, which can cause problems in the long run.

Cleaning Door Furniture

We know that keeping up appearances is important when it comes to your home, which is why it is important to keep the door furniture (handles, hinges, numerals etc.) looking nice and clean. To do this, we recommend you wipe it with a clean cloth soaked in warm water and mild detergent every month. This way, you’ll maintain a consistent appearance.

external doors hardware

Maintaining Your Lock

The lock is a key player in ensuring your door can protect your home, so it’s useful to know how to look after it. To maintain smooth and consistent operation, all you will have to do is lubricate the working parts of the mechanism at least every 6 months. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your nearest Endurance Installer.

Adjusting Your Hinges

Over constant use, it is natural for your door to need some hinge adjustment. To keep the door in top shape, all you will have to do is adjust the screws on the hinges or adjust the locking keeps from time to time. This means that your door will sit perfectly as it was installed to do, allowing you to enjoy simple and efficient operation.

picture demonstrating how to adjust a composite door hinge
Build Your Door




We’re so confident in the security offered by your new Endurance Door that we offer a £2,000 Security Guarantee. In the unfortunate event that a burglar was able to gain access to your property by snapping your High Security Locking Cylinder, Endurance will pay you £2,000 in compensation.

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Share a photograph of your new Endurance door with us for the chance to win £200 in shopping vouchers! Please send your photography to marketing@endurancedoors.co.uk. T&C’s apply.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can Composite Doors Be Repaired?

In the unlikely event that your composite door is damaged, your composite door can be repaired.

Can Composite Doors Be Made To Measure?

All our composite doors can be made to measure to suit your home's specific requirements.

How To Paint Composite Doors?

We do not recommend that you paint your composite door, and you shouldn't need to. Our doors are finished with a tough 3D laminated skin layer to give the effect of authentic timber. This skin will provide a coating that makes your Endurance Door completely maintenance free.

Can Composite Doors Be Trimmed?

Our composite doors will not require trimming, and our installers will measure the size of your door space to fit your door perfectly in its frame.

Can Composite Doors Be Painted?

Composite doors can be painted, but we do not recommend that you do. Our doors are coated with a finishing layer that achieves a toughened skin to protect your door from requiring repainting over time.

How To Clean Composite Doors?

Our composite doors require minimal cleaning in order to maintain their new look. Simply wipe down with warm soapy water and maintain a fresh look to the entrance of your home.