If you’ve been shopping around for a new composite door, you’ve probably heard the phrase ‘Dutch door.’ Whether you’ve been browsing websites or visiting showrooms, someone is bound to have mentioned it and it’s probably raised a few questions. Here at Endurance, we’ve been asked about them a few times and there’s some confusion about what they are. So we thought we’d take some time to explain.

In the simplest terms, a Dutch door is one that’s divided across the middle. The top and bottom halves of the door can be operated independently or as a single unit. This means you can open the top half while leaving the bottom closed. They are a very old-fashioned design and were originally intended to keep farm animals out of the home while still letting in light and air.
If this description sounds very similar to stable doors, that’s not surprising. You may be wondering what the difference is between stable doors and Dutch doors, and the answer is nothing. They’re the same thing, both names are appropriate. ‘Dutch door’ is an American-English term as they were popular in Dutch communities in the early years of the United States, whereas ‘stable door’ is the European equivalent.
For a time, stable doors fell out of fashion and weren’t widely used, however they’ve recently been making a comeback. Because they were originally designed for farm properties, there’s a certain rustic charm about stable doors and they’re perfect if you want a traditional vibe for your home.
While the overall style has remained largely unchanged, the technology used to make stable doors has developed. Timber is still in use, but you can now purchase composite Dutch doors that combine vintage aesthetics with modern performance. If you want to see one in action, check out the Haybarn case study. This was a rustic retreat where Mina, a busy mother of teenagers, could get some space to destress and unwind. The stable door matched the homely vibe but delivered contemporary energy efficiency and security.
These doors are perfect if you want to capture that essence of rural loveliness and they can be made to your exact specifications. Whether you call them stable doors or Dutch doors, they bring a little bit of the countryside into your life and they’re full of quiet character.
If you’d like to know more about our range of composite Dutch doors, you’re welcome to contact us. Perhaps you’re interested in designing one of your own, or maybe you’re a professional historian and have spotted a few mistakes in this article. Either way, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
You can call 01652 340340 or email marketing@endurancedoors.co.uk and one of our experts will be happy to speak with you. We’d also recommend spending a few minutes checking out our online door designer and seeing what you can create.