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Endurance Enhances Its Lead Generation and Google Credentials
Endurance Enhances Its Lead Generation and Google Credentials

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Endurance Enhances Its Lead Generation and Google Credentials

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Continuing their investment in brand, lead generation and marketing, Endurance Doors have delivered improvements in their Google rankings for over 800 search terms and with it increased their lead generation statistics to over 1,000 direct enquiries every week.

From the perspective of their nationwide network of Installer Partners, this continued investment in the brand is helping realise more sales, while the technical features of the solid timber core composite door, with a 3mm bowing guarantee, helps ignite referral sales and the near elimination of any product remedials. There’s also a huge wealth of free marketing and point of sale materials for all customers.

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According to Ahrefs, Endurance Doors ranks at the top of organic searches for 12 of the most common keyword searches including ‘composite doors’ and ranks in the top 3 for over 800 search terms. In addition, the website is now enjoying well over 40,000 organic sessions per month and in April with paid and social traffic combined, this number expanded to 74,787.

Further analysis of the April figures also showed that there were 2,326 Door Designer conversions and 1,553 Quick Quote conversions respectively, helping to ignite consumer enquires to over 1,000 per month consistently this calendar year.

Scott Foster, Head of Group Sales and Marketing for Endurance Doors enthused: ‘The power and reach of the Endurance Doors brand is growing by the week, while our reputation as a business online is rated as excellent on Trustpilot with a 4.7 star rating. Our digital marketing performance also shows an outstanding return from our continued investment, while we look to add greater business value to our Installer Partners in delivering customer excellence across the business.’

For further information on the Endurance Solid and Secure composite door range please call the sales office on 01652 659259, visit https://endurancedoors.co.uk, or e-mail marketing@endurancedoors.co.uk. You can also add to the Twitter following @EnduranceDoors.

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