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Achieving A Zero Landfill Mark
Achieving A Zero Landfill Mark

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Achieving A Zero Landfill Mark

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After a period of implementing process change throughout the business, we at Endurance Doors have now achieved an audited zero landfill mark, working in partnership with waste processing specialist Ellgia.

With sustainability now high on the agenda for businesses across the industry and following the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), consumers are increasingly socially conscious about their purchasing decisions and habits. This move by us will help reassure homeowners and is part of a wider sustainability programme that will be delivered during the course of 2022.

The process begins at the tipping stage with a manual inspection and sorting is then taken place to recover bulkier items including wood, card, plastics and metals etc. These items are removed and sent for processing into other materials and go through a mechanical sorting system including screening/sizing, air separation and use of magnets to recover any materials suitable for recycling or re-use.

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Timber is reused into other wood products or for animal bedding, while the low-grade material is sent for biomass and plastics are re-processed after they have been granulated. Metals are shredded, melted and made into other grades of steel, while all card is re-processed for packaging and paper-based applications, and is also used for animal bedding.

Any residual wastes that are not re-covered for re-use or recycling are further processed into RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) or SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel) and sent to either cement kilns or to a local incineration plant, providing heat and power to nearby local communities and homes.

Stephen Nadin, our managing director, commented: ‘We’ve effectively saved over 21 tonnes of CO2 already this year through our waste management programme with Ellgia and have a continual improvement programme in place to improve this further in 2022. We’re a conscientious business that understands the importance of sustainability and the recycling policy is a fundamental part of our wider green agenda.’

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