Not All Composite Doors Are Built The Same

Not All Composite Doors Are Built The Same

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As the temperature starts to drop and the familiar feeling of winter begins to creep in, you may find yourself reaching for the thermostat. Over the next few months, even the most reluctant people will give in and switch on their central heating. This time of year is when the inner composition of Endurance composite doors really starts to prove its worth.

When it is freezing outside and you turn your central heating on, your front door is suddenly subjected to two extremes of temperature. The interior of the door panel is far warmer than the exterior. As a result, this can cause some doors to distort out of shape, meaning that cheap, low quality door slabs might stop fitting neatly in the frame.

If a door stops fitting flush against its frame, it could make it incredibly difficult to close, lock or unlock. Having to spend extra time trying to force your door open or closed is especially not ideal in heavy rain, snow or wind! You don’t want to be struggling with your front door, you want to be cosy, comfortable and dry in the warmth of your home.

Luckily for Endurance customers, our composite doors are designed to withstand the winter weather. Endurance doors have a solid 48mm timber core with 17 laminations of cross layered Kerto. This makes them incredibly strong and resilient. Most other composite door manufacturers allow for up to a 10mm bow before admitting there is an issue – meaning your new front door could become incredibly difficult to lock and unlock at any given moment. Endurance will take action should your door bow by a barely noticeable 3mm.

Endurance composite doors also have a unique moisture barrier system. This intelligent feature prevents water from seeping into the core during heavy rainfall. If water ingress occurs, it can also cause the door panel to swell, warp or delaminate. Because of this, cheaper, poorer quality doors often become misshapen during wet weather and no longer fit in their frames correctly.

When you choose an Endurance door, you’ll benefit from an entrance that looks stunning and never lets you down. The Endurance composite door has a hard wearing skin offering a realistic woodgrain texture which offers a far superior finish. However, when it comes to performance, it’s what’s on the inside that counts. Our unique core puts us streaks ahead of the competition.

If you’d like to benefit from a stunning, high performing and long lasting Endurance door, get in touch today! You can also use our Door Designer to start creating your dream door.

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