Endurance Offering Lasting Quality to Their Customers

Endurance Offering Lasting Quality to Their Customers

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Offering a service that puts customers first, Bradley Scott Windows pride themselves on their quality of products and services. This Tamworth based supplier and installer of windows, doors and conservatories has been a customer of Endurance Doors for 15 years. Here, they let us know how that experience has been.

How Long Have You Been an Endurance Customer?

“It must be about 15 years now.”

What Attracted You to the Endurance Product Range?

“The quality of the product. It’s more solid, more secure, it’s just a superior design.”

What Is Your Most Popular Endurance Product?

“I would say it’s their range of contemporary doors. People are looking for more of a modern look nowadays.”

Would You Recommend Other Installers to Join the Endurance Installer Partner Network?

“Yes. They are a growing company with an excellent range of great products. They offer good service and are a good company to deal with. This has been consistent across the time we have been them and they’ve resolved any issues we’ve had.”

What Makes Endurance Different to Other Composite Manufacturers?

“They are really friendly, they offer really good support, the website and the marketing are really good. As a company, we’re after quality designs so working with Endurance really works for us. Their door designer is really good as well, we have that on our website!”

Interested in Becoming an Endurance Customer?

If you want to enjoy the same standard that Bradley Scott Windows have enjoyed, get in touch by calling 01652 659259 or by visiting our online contact form for more information on how you can do the same.

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